The tree nursery at Horsenden Farm provides a temporary home for thousands of hedging and tree saplings while they wait to be planted in their permanent homes across the borough of Ealing.
Species include stalwart hedging species like hawthorn and hazel, with many other decorative or fruiting species such as dogwood, cherry plum, Wayfaring tree, dog rose, as well as alder, silver birch and other native species.

Horsenden’s ever expanding hedge laying team are making great progress restoring and creating hedges that enhance their surroundings as well as providing so many benefits.
The trees have mainly been supplied free of charge by Carbon Footprint ltd and the Woodland Trust.
A woolly blanket

Anne Thompson, Volunteer team leader, tree nursery
“Keeping the young trees watered and free from weeds is an ongoing job during the summer months. This year, the volunteer team are trialling a sheep’s wool mulch which we hope will help keep some of the moisture in and the weeds down”.

Horsenden Ranger Jon was behind the initiative to create a tree nursery. Now it is thriving with a team of volunteers caring for the trees, maintaining stock and species data and helping with their eventual distribution.
“The trees are used to fill gaps in woodland and canopy coverage and in hedging in parks across the borough. There are opportunities and space for hedging as well as large scale tree planting, with hedges providing excellent and long-lasting boundaries that can become stronger and more durable than fencing, while providing wildlife habitats and also bearing fruit and berries.”
Ranger jon staples
Tree planting throughout the borough on the largest scale yet and the Horsenden tree nursery plays a vital role in this important initiative to fight climate change. Trees soak up harmful carbon dioxide and support our flower, insect and bird populations to flourish.
From little acorns
There are plans to expand the tree nursery. Oak is an important and iconic species for the borough and these healthy saplings will be arriving at the nursery in the not too distant future.